Annual Meeting of the NCI Cohort Consortium (Abstract Submission)

Submitted by nusratyj on Thu, 06/29/2023 - 16:26

Abstract Submission

Lightning Talk Abstract Submissions: If you are submitting a Lightning Talk these can be presented in-person or virtual on November 14th, please see the Agenda page for the session time.  Lightning talks can be on any new ideas, works in progress or completed work. Preference will be given to Early Career Scientists. Abstracts should include a Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion/Discussion.

Abstract submission is due by September 1st, 11:59 PM ET.

All submitters will be contacted regarding their presentation status approximately 2 weeks after the submission deadline.


Lightning Talks Abstract

The abstract for Lightning Talk should be 250-words or less and use the following headers: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion/Discussion. 

Max 250 characters, use Title Case
Please use the following formatting for these degrees: M.D. Ph.D. MPH
Re-order First Name Middle Initial Last Name Degree(s) Organization Weight Operations
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