Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science Annual Meeting (Registration)

Submitted by chancim on Thu, 03/09/2023 - 16:34


The CCIS Annual Meeting will be an in-person only event, space will be limited on-site, and registration is required to attend. Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Comprehensive Cancer Center is hosting the registration form.

A list of conference registration fees and deadlines are listed below. By clicking on the Registration link, a new tab will open in your web browser.


Conference Registration Fees

  Regular Student, Trainee, Community Member, or Non-Profit Organization1
Early Bird Registration
Deadline: 12/20/2024
$150 $75
Standard Registration
Deadline: 02/07/2025
$200 $100

1 Student=Enrolled in degree program; Trainee=postdoc, fellow, resident, etc.
Community Member or Non-Profit Organization=Employees of non-profit community organizations (does not include academic institutions or university-affiliated health systems or programs; does not include employees of private business/industry); or other community members that are not currently employed.

The registration fee includes light meals and refreshments throughout February 26 - 28. For information on event location and logistics, please refer to the Travel Page.

Note: Presenters for the conference, including oral and poster sessions, are required to pay for registration and attend the conference in-person.