emps-preparednessfair (Weather Science)


Help your scout get their first aid badge by working through the activities in the section appropriate for them.

Additional Activities

When you see this tag:

It means that this activity can't be satisfied by the resources on this page alone.

Talk with Adult

When you see this tag:

It means that your scout needs to talk to their troop leader or another adult to fulfil this requirement.

Boy Scouts


Boy Scouts

Talk with Adult

Demonstrate to your counselor that you have current knowledge of all first-aid requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks.

Talk with your troop leader or other adult to satisfy this requirement.


Explain how you would obtain emergency medical assistance from your home, a remote location on a wilderness camping trip, and an activity on open water.

Watch this video and think about these questions:
When do I call 911?
What information should I have ready for the operator?

What does Ranger Kate suggest you do to avoid being stranded?
What was her advice if you do get stranded?

Read this artical from the National Park Service about what to do if you get lost.


Define the term triage. Explain the steps necessary to assess and handle a medical emergency until help arrives.

Read through this paper for the information on triage

Complete the "Help Until Help Arrives" training


Explain the universal precautions as applied to the transmission of infections. Discuss the ways you should protect yourself and the victim while administering first aid.

Watch the video above, then attend, or watch the recording of the CPR/BLS demo and Q&A, found here.


Additional Activities

Prepare a first-aid kit for your home. Display and discuss its contents with your counselor. With an adult leader, inspect your troop's first-aid kit. Evaluate it for completeness. Report your findings to your counselor and Scout leader.

Watch this video. Think about what of these supplies are appropriate for your first aid kit.

Attend or watch the "At Home Kit" training with Allison Kellner, found here.


Describe the early signs and symptoms of shock, heart attack, and stroke, and explain what actions you should take.

Watch this video to learn how to spot and respond to a stroke.

Watch the videos below then attend, or watch the recording of the CPR/BLS demo and Q&A, found hereto find out how to identify a heart attack.

Watch the video below to learn about shock.


Understand CPR and AEDs.

Attend, or watch the recording of the CPR/BLS demo and Q&A, found here and watch the video below.


Understand severe bleeding.

Watch the video below


Explain when a bee sting could be life threatening and what action should betaken for prevention and for first aid.

Watch the video below


Describe the signs and symptoms and demonstrate the proper procedures for handling and immobilizing suspected closed and open fractures or dislocations of the forearm, wrist, upper leg, lower leg and ankle.

Read through this article. Pay special attention to the "DO NOT" and "When to Contact a Medical Professional" sections. How do you immobilize the bone? What do you do if the limb is bent at a weird angle, or poking through the skin?

Additional Activities


Describe the signs, symptoms, and possible complications and demonstrate care for someone with a suspected injury to the head, neck, or back.

Watch this video, then practice the spinal cord immobalization tactics with a friend or member of your troop.

Additional Activities


Describe the symptoms, proper first-aid procedures, and possible prevention measures for, anaphylaxis/allergic reactions, bruises, sprains or strains, hypothermia, frostbite, burns (first, second and third degree), convulsions/seizures, dehydration, muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, abdominal pain and a broken, chipped, or loosened tooth.

Explore the activities on this page and online and find out how to address the issues listed above. The playlist below has some great resources to start!


Understand the risks and mechanics of moving an injured person.

Watch the videos below. When would these different tactics be nessesary and when would it be better to wait for help?

Talk with Adult

Teach another Scout a first-aid skill selected by your counselor.

Talk to your counselor to complete this requierment.


This video is a bit long, but it provides a LOT of great information.


Girl Scouts




1. Learn about Sunny's story.

Watch this video with your grown up and think about these questions:
- How was Sunny friendly and helpful?
- How do you think Robin felt when Sunny offered to give Suzy a tour of the garden?
- How do you think Suzy felt after Sunny gave her a tour, and Buckley invited her to the party?

Additional Activities


Make a mural with your friends.

Use chalk to draw a beautiful picture someplace everyone can enjoy it! Ask your friends to help you.

Talk with Adult


Practice being friendly and helpful.

Talk to the grown ups in your life and as how you can be a helper. Can you wash the dishes? Put away your toys? Maybe be a friend to your little brother or sister?




Find out how to get help from 911.

Talk with an Adult

Watch the above video and think about the questions below.
- What are the 4 basic questions asked by the 911 operator?
- What happens after you call 911?
- What should you do if you're not sure when to call 911?

Additional Activities


Make a first aid kit.

Watch this video. What of these materials should be in your first aid kit? Collect them and keep them somewhere handy!



Additional Activities

Learn the first steps to take in an emergency.

Watch the video below and think about the questions, then make a poster or video to share with your troop or school about the first steps to take in an emergency.

- What 4 questions do you need to know for the 911 operator?
- What do you do if you don't know if you should call 911?

Place holder- video steps in an emergency

Additional Activities

Make a first aid kit.

Watch this video. What of these materials should be in your first aid kit? Collect them and keep them somewhere handy!


Find out how to handle urgent first aid issues.

Watch the playlist below (minus the first video) to find out about urgent first aid issues.




Understand how to care for younger children.

1. Sign up for a free account with Albany.edu here
2. Take the "Emergency Preparedness" Course
3. Think about these questions:
How would you help children in an emergency?
In what situations do you think this would be an important skill?

Additional Activities

Make a first aid kit.

Watch this video. What of these materials should be in your first aid kit? Collect them and keep them somewhere handy!


Find out how to prevent serious outdoor injuries.

Watch these videos from Ranger Kate!


Know the signs of shock and know how to treat it.

Watch the video below.

Read through this article. Pay attention to the "First Aid" section




Find out how to perform triage when several people are injured.

Read through this paper for the information on triage

Complete the "Help Until Help Arrives" training


Know how to help head and neck injuries.

place holder- mal vid


Learn how to use everyday objects as splints.

place holder- video


Recognize the signs of drug overdose and alcohol poisoning.

Read through this article and pay attention to the first aid section.

Talk with Adult


Share your knowledge with others

Find a way to share an urget piece of first aid knowledge with your community. Talk to your troop leader, teacher, or another adult and make it happen!




Learn how to deal with medical emergencies in the wilderness.

Watch this video and think about some of the situations you might encounter where you would use these skills.

How does Ranger Kate reccomend you avoid emergencies in the wilderness?


Research careers that save lives in extreme conditions.

Explore the "Speaker Agenda" page and attend some of the presentations. What careers are represented there? Do some of your own research and think about what type of rescue jobs you would most be interested in.


Find out how to care for a critically injured person.

Watch the videos below.

Complete the "Until Help Arrives" training here

Additional Activities


Know how to move an injured person.

Watch these videos. When would these moves be nessesary? When would it be better to wait for medical assistance?
Practice these moves with friends or members of your troop.

Additional Activities


Explore real-life examples for handling wilderness emergencies.

Do your own research! Find extreme first aid stories in the news or as medical professionals about their wilderness first aid situations.