cgh-act-pi (Venue & Directions)

Venue, Directions, & Hotel Information

NCI Shady Grove is located at 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD, 20850.

This location is easily accessible by both car and public transportation.

To protect everyone's health, NCI is completely tobacco-free (including e-cigarettes and any other electronic nicotine delivery systems or smoking devices). This Tobacco-Free Policy includes visitors. Thank you for your cooperation.

NCI Shady Grove Campus NCI Shady Grove Campus Image

Security Requirement at NCI Shady Grove

Please allow time for security screening when entering the NCI Shady Grove campus. All visitors must sign in at the guard desk and submit to a security inspection. You will need a government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport. Visitors will be required to pass through a metal detector and have bags, backpacks or purses inspected or x-rayed as they enter the building.

A representative from the conference will help you sign in at the guard desk and will escort you to the meeting room.



Participants will be responsible for providing their own food and coffee.

The following information is provided for the convenience of participants. Inclusion on this website does not constitute endorsement by the NCI.

On Site

  • NCI Shady Grove Cafeteria (Terrace level)

Hours of Operation: 7:00 am to 3:00 pm

Breakfast Service: 7:30 am to 10:00 am

Lunch Service: 11:30 am to 2:00 pm

  • Avanti Market (First floor east wing, self-service kiosk, credit or debit cards – does not take cash)
  • Bring your own food (Microwaves in cafeteria, refrigeration not available)

Adjacent to NCI Shady Grove

  • Miele Bakery (coffee, sandwiches, salads, baked goods)
  • Freshii (burritos, wraps, soups, salads)
  • Subway (submarine sandwiches and salads)
  • Oishii Bluefin (sushi and other Japanese food)
  • Dunkin’ Donuts (coffee, donuts, bagels)

Restaurants in Nearby Shopping Centers

WiFi Access

Guest wireless service will be available for participants. To access, select the “NIH-Guest-Network”. Once you launch a web browser, you will be redirected to a page requesting you to “Accept” the network terms and conditions.


By Metro

Metrorail service is available from Washington's Reagan National Airport and from Union Station (railway). To get to NCI Shady Grove, take the Washington, DC Metro Red line to the Shady Grove stop (terminal station). Exit the Metro station on the "Kiss & Ride" side, and look for signs for the NCI Shady Grove shuttle. Exit the Metro station on the "Kiss & Ride" side, and look for signs for the NCI Shady Grove shuttle. See also below: NCI Shuttle Service. Alternatively: you may choose to take Metro Red line to the Medical Center stop at the NIH main campus, and then take the NIH Express Shuttle from Building 31 to NCI Shady Grove. See also below: NCI Shuttle Service.

NCI Shuttle Service

Shuttle service is offered on federal work days to and from Shady Grove Metro station. The shuttle runs throughout the day and drops off passengers in front of the NCI Shady Grove building. Note: Employees must show proper NIH badge identification to board the shuttle. Visitors must show a “shuttle pass”.  A “shuttle pass” authorizing your use of the shuttle will be provided by email as the course approaches.  Please bring a printed copy with you.

Visit for live tracking of the next arriving shuttle. Download a printable timetable. Shuttle service runs approximately every 15 minutes between the hours of 6:00 am and 7:00 pm. The last shuttle leaves for the Metro at 6:45 pm. The shuttle picks up passengers on the west side of the Shady Grove Metro Station near the Kiss and Ride lot. Look for signs for the NCI Shady Grove shuttle.

By Bus

Various Montgomery County Ride-On bus routes service NCI Shady Grove. These buses all have bike racks. Additionally, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) offers commuter bus routes to the Shady Grove Metro.

Select a route number below for a complete timetable and a map of each Ride-On bus route:

  • Route 43 - From Traville Transit Center and Shady Grove Metro. Drops off/Picks up in front of NCI Shady Grove on Medical Center Dr.
  • Route 56 - From Rockville Metro and Lakeforest Transit Center. Drops off/Picks up at the intersection of Medical Way and Shady Grove Rd., approximately 200 yards away from NCI Shady Grove.
  • Route 66 - From Traville Transit Center and Shady Grove Metro. Drops off/Picks up in front of NCI Shady Grove on Medical Center Dr.
  • Route 74 - From Germantown Transit Center and Shady Grove Metro. Drops off/Picks up on Key West Ave., approximately 100 yards from NCI Shady Grove entrance.

Use the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority trip planner to plan your commute.

By Car

Arriving from the south of Rockville using Route 270, take exit 8 toward Shady Grove Road. Keep left on the exit ramp, and at the end of the ramp, turn left at the light onto Shady Grove Road heading west. Get into the right lane, and turn right onto Key West Avenue (MD 28 W). Turn left at the next light onto Medical Center Drive. From there, turn right onto Blackwell Road and turn right again into the NCI employee parking garage. Visitors can have their parking ticket validated at the guard station inside the main lobby.

Arriving from the north of Rockville using Route 270, take exit 8 and keep right to take the Omega Drive ramp. The ramp will bring you to a stop sign. Turn left and continue on Omega Drive, which turns into Medical Center Drive. From Medical Center Drive, turn right onto Blackwell Road and turn right again into the NCI employee parking garage. Visitors can have their parking ticket validated at the guard station inside the main lobby.


Visitors to NCI Shady Grove should park in the NCI Shady Grove garage located adjacent to the campus building. Visitor parking tickets can be validated at the guard station in the lobby after a visitor has signed in. Handicapped spaces are available. Visitors should NOT park in specially designated spaces.  

Hotel Information

Group Name: NCI - ACT PI Room Block
Group Code: ACTPI
Hotel Name: Hilton Garden Inn Rockville-Gaithersburg
Hotel Address: 14975 Shady Grove Road
Rockville, Maryland
Phone Number: 240-399-7964
Booking Link: