Integrative medicine service for cancer is an approach to medical care that recognizes the benefit of combining conventional (standard) therapies (such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery) with complementary therapies (such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, lifestyle modifications, and mind-body techniques like meditation, Tai chi and yoga) in a coordinated way that have been shown to be safe and effective. Cancer Integrative Medicine or Integrative Oncology service tries to address the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental factors that can affect a person’s health and well-being to enhance the overall quality of life and therapeutic outcomes. The use of integrative medicine approaches to cancer has grown within care settings across the United States. Evidence-based rigorously scientific research exploring the potential benefits for safety and efficacy to inform the integrative medicine practice and service is critically important.
NCI is organizing “NCI cancer integrative medicine grantee virtual conference” on Dec 10-11, 2024. This event is open to the public and registration is required.
The objectives of this NCI cancer integrative medicine grantee virtual conference are:
(1) Grantsmanship: to provide opportunities learning grantsmanship, tools, and resources from the NCI/NIH, and for NCI program staff to hear about grantee needs and challenges.
(2) Research: to highlight the NCI/NIH funded cancer-related complementary and integrative medicine research and identify gaps or needs for mechanistic translational and clinical research, and technology to advancing precision integrative oncology across cancer continuum.
Please register for the event using the following links by Dec 11, 2024:
- Day 1, Dec 10, 2024: 9:30am-6:00pm ET
- Day 2, Dec 11, 2024: 10:30am-4:00pm ET
Event contact: Dan Xi, PhD, NCI, event Chair at
Event Planning Committee:
- DCTD, NCI: Dan Xi, PhD, Chair
- DCP, NCI: Rachel Altshuler, PhD; Nancy Emenaker, PhD; Marge Good, RN, MPH; Gabriela Riscuta, MD; Catherine Schweppe, PhD; Brennan Streck, PhD.
- DCCPS, NCI: Emily Tonorezos, MD
- CCHE, NCI: Anil Wali, PhD
- NIH OD/ODS: Babara Sorkin, PhD