cd2-innovation-ws (Webinar Information)

Virtual meeting via WebEx, October 8-9, 2020
This workshop will be invitational only

Webinar Information

This meeting will be conducted using WebEx. Additional information on how to join the meeting will be emailed to attendees who have registered approximately one week prior to the meeting. The link is not transferable to others.

Please log in 30 minutes early to ensure that you are not having any technical difficulties. If you are unable to connect to the webinar, contact NCI CBIIT at 240- 276-5880 and send an email to La’Toya Kelly at

During the scientific presentation sessions, your participation will be in listen-only mode. You will be able to hear and view the webinar; please keep your camera off and microphone muted. All questions should be submitted via the chat.

During the breakout sessions, the room hosts will introduce the facilitator and notetakers. The facilitator will provide instructions on how to ask questions and provide comments.