Environmental Sciences and Cancer Prevention (ESCP) Webinar (Overview)


Environmental Exposure: HPV-related Head and Neck Cancer Webinar

Sponsored by DCP/NCI’s Environmental Sciences and Cancer Prevention Working Group (ESCPWG)

Date and Time: September 12th, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET

Location: Virtual

This webinar will focus on HPV-related head and neck cancer (HNC). The incidence of HNC, including oropharyngeal cancer (OPC), is on the rise in many countries, with a significant number of OPC cases caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Current prophylactic HPV vaccines can eventually prevent HPV-related cancers, as has already been shown for cervical cancer in young women. However, several generations of people remain at risk of HPV-associated OPC for whom prophylactic HPV vaccination may not be offered and would have limited or no benefit. Early detection could optimize effective intervention and treatment to reduce deaths caused by HPV-related OPCs.