In 1992, Congress established May as Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, the annual celebration honoring the generations of AAPIs who have enriched America's history and instrumentally contributed to the success of America. In 1999, White House established a first Initiative on AAPI to improve their life quality and opportunities to participate in federal programs. The White House Initiative on AA and NHPI (WHIAANHPI) was reinstated to advance equity, justice, and opportunity on May 28, 2021. The first congressional resolution to recognize May 10th as AA and NHPI Mental Health Day was introduced in 2021. The first-ever National Strategy to Advance Equity, Justice and Opportunity for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) Communities was established by White House on January 17, 2023. This year is also the 80th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, known as the Magnuson Act.
Following the successful inaugural NIH Annual AA and NHPI Health Research Conference on May 4-5, 2022 by Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Health Scientific Interest Group (NIH AAPI-HSIG) (agenda and recordings at: https://events.cancer.gov/nih/AANHPI-HSIG-Annual-Conference/agenda), NIH AANHPI-HSIG is hosting 2023 "Annual NIH AA and NHPI Health Research Conference" (virtual) on May 3-4th. This event is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, NIH. HHS-wide participations in planning. This conference will bring together the world’s leading scientific and regulatory experts in the field of AA and NHPI research from government, academia, and the community. The event is open to the public.
The PURPOSE: (1) celebrate and educate the AANHPI heritage, (2) highlight achievements in AA and NHPI health research and of AA and NHPI scientists, and (3) discuss AANHPI health research needs.
The 2023 Event THEME: "Improving the Health of AA and NHPI: Risk factors, Genetic ancestry, and Disease mechanisms."
Conference Contacts:
Dan Xi, PhD, NCI; Conference Chair, and Chair, NIH AANHPI-HSIG xida@mail.nih.gov
Yihong Ye, PhD, NIDDK; Conference Co-chair yihongy@niddk.nih.gov
Planning Committee and Participate Institutes:
- NIH:
- Planning Committee: Dan Xi, PhD; Yihong Ye, PhD; Ming Lei, PhD; Paul Liu, MD, PhD; Ji Luo, PhD; Jongeun Rhee, ScD, MS; Ramesh Vemuri, PhD; Jacqueline B. Vo, PhD, RN, MPH
- CDC/HHS: Jane Henley, MSPH; Chaolong Qi, PhD, PE
- FDA/HHS: Doan N. Singh, PharmD, MS, ASQ CQA
- HRSA/HHS: Maria Paz Carlos, PhD, MBA
- OASH/HHS: Adelaida Rosario, PhD
About the NIH Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health Scientific Interest Group (AANHPI-HSIG).
The NIH AANHPI-HSIG is open to all participants in the intramural and extramural NIH community, as well as HHS staff. NIH AANHPI-HSIG's mission is to advance NIH's mission in improving the research and enhancing the health and well-being for AA and NHPI populations. It serves as an NIH high-quality trusted resource for advancing research and education. It also provides a scientific exchange and collaboration platform for assemblies of scientists and staff at the NIH, HHS. The mission, goals, and vision of the AANHPI interest group can be found at https://oir.nih.gov/sigs/AAPI-HSIG.
Join the AAPI-HSIG Mailing List:
- For NIH and HHS staff to join the AAPI-HSIG mailing list, please visit the group’s listserv home page, https://list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A0=AAPI-HEALTH-SIG and click the “Subscribe or Unsubscribe” link in the right sidebar.
- For public to join the AAPI-HSIG mailing list, please visit the group’s listserv home page, https://list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A0=EXT-NIH-AANHPI-HSIG and click the “Subscribe or Unsubscribe” link in the right sidebar.
Main Theme:
- Improving the Health of AA and NHPI: Risk factors, Genetic ancestry, and Disease mechanisms
- celebrate and educate the AANHPI heritage,
- highlight achievements in AA and NHPI health research and of AA and NHPI scientists,
- discuss future research needs.
(Please note, the following times are approximate and all times are ET)
Day 1 | May 3rd 9:30am - 4:30 pm EST
May 3rd, Registration: https://cbiit.webex.com/weblink/register/rbc1dae86dc3b27c327bfadf6ce4aa713 | |
09:00-09:30am | Check-in |
09:30-9:35am | NIH AANHPI-HSIG: Welcome and Overview of Conference (Dan Xi, NCI) |
09:35-9:45am | Remarks by US Representative Judy Chu (pre-recorded) & White House video message |
09:45-11:00am | Leadership Opening Remarks |
09:45-10:00am | Dr. Lawrence Tabak, Acting Director, NIH |
10:00-10:10am | Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable, Director, NIMHD |
10:10-10:20am | Dr. Michael Chiang, Director, NEI |
10:20-10:30am | Dr. Noni Byrnes, Director, CSR |
10:30-10:40am | Dr. Walter J. Koroshetz, Director, NINDS |
10:40-10:55am | Keynote: "The Bamboo Ceiling and Ways to Transcend it" Rena N. D'Souza, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. Director, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research |
10:55-11:20am | Keynote: "Advancing Health Equity & Well-being among Asian American Communities." Chau Trinh-Shevrin, PhD. Professor, New York University |
11:20-11:40am | CDC cancer research (Moderator: Jane Henley, CDC, HHS) "Cancer Health Disparities in Asian American and Pacific Islander Populations." Jin Qin, ScD, MS. Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HHS |
12:30pm - 4:30pm | Session 1: Cancer |
12:30pm-2:30pm | (1) Genetic ancestry and cancer outcome (Jian Carrot-Zhang, MSKCC and Dan Xi, NCI)
2:30-4:30pm | (2) Pancreatic Cancer (Ji Luo, NCI)
Day 2 | May 4th 11:00am - 5:30pm EST
May 4th, Registration: https://cbiit.webex.com/weblink/register/r3f2a408a8357e74c565edddfb3263ad9 | |
11:00am-11:45am | Heritage Education: the 80th Anniversary of Magnuson Act (Moderators: Dan Xi and Jongeun Rhee, NCI) "Chinese Exclusion and Its Repeal: The Long Road to Inclusion for Chinese Americans." Emma Teng, PhD. Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
12:40-1:00pm | CDC health aging research (Moderator: Jane Henley, CDC, HHS) "Racial and Ethnic Variations in Alzheimer's Disease and Subjective Cognitive Decline among Middle-aged and Older Adults." Lisa McGuire, PhD, FAPA, FGSA. Alzheimer's Disease Team, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HHS |
1:00-3:00pm | Session 2: Cellular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases (Moderator: Yihong Ye, NIDDK)
3:00-04:45pm | Session 3: Risk Factors and Epidemiology Research (Moderators: Jongeun Rhee & Jacqueline B. Vo, NCI)
04:40:00-5:30pm | Session 4: Community Research and Outreach (Moderators: Adelaida Rosario, HHS/OASH & Maria Paz Carlos, HHS/HRSA)
5:30-5:35pm | Closing Remarks |
5:35pm | Day 2 Adjourn |
Planning Committee and Participate Institutes:
- NIH:
- Planning Committee: Dan Xi, PhD; Yihong Ye, PhD; Ming Lei, PhD; Paul Liu, Md, PhD; Ji Luo, PhD; Jongeun Rhee, ScD, MS; Ramesh Vemuri, PhD; Jacqueline B. Vo, PhD, RN, MPH
- CDC/HHS: Jane Henley, MSPH; Chaolong Qi, PhD, PE
- HRSA/HHS: Maria Paz Carlos, PhD, MBA
- FDA/HHS: Doan N. Singh, PharmD, MS, ASQ CQA
- OASH/HHS: Adelaida Rosario, PhD