GI SPORE Investigator Retreat - Overview


With great pleasure, the NCI Translational Research Program (TRP) and Mayo Clinic Hepatobiliary SPORE invite you to the 2024 GI SPORE Investigators Meeting on January 11-12, 2024.

Drs. Mark McNiven and Lewis Roberts, MPIs of the Mayo Clinic Hepatobiliary SPORE, with TRP, designed the meeting to assemble investigators from SPOREs in the following cancer areas: gastrointestinal (GI). Liver, Pancreatic, Hyperactive RAS and Neuroendocrine. NCI Program Staff and SPORE patient advocates with an interest in GI malignancies are also invited guests. We hope this venue will enable data sharing with hopes that it will offer many new collaborative opportunities within the SPORE community.

The meeting will address the following critical areas: tumor metabolism, cancer immunology and immune microenvironment, precision therapy, and precursor lesions, early detection and interception. These sessions will endeavor to develop collaborative approaches to address key questions in the field and define promising scientific areas.